In a world of Amazon, McDonalds, Netflix, Spotify, AirBnB, Uber and Tinder, nobody wants to do this the harder way.
Nobody’s willing to give up comfort now for greatness later. Everything in life has to be cheap, fast and easy.
Cheap, fast, easy.
Nothing worth having comes easy.
Nothing worth having comes fast.
Nothing worth having comes cheap.
- If you’re not willing to walk, you’ll never run a marathon.
- If you’re not willing to write, you’ll never publish a book.
- If you’re not willing to sit on the floor, you’ll never have an office.
- If you’re not willing to cook, you’ll never eat healthily.
- If you’re not willing to get up, you’ll never make your dreams a reality.
- If you’re not willing to go to the gym, you’ll never be fit.
- If you’re not willing to turn off the TV, you’ll never read.
- If you’re not willing to go on an actual date, you’ll never find love.
- If you’re not willing to press publish, you’ll never know if you’re any good.
- If you’re not willing to show yourself on camera, you’ll never become a Youtuber.
- If you’re not willing to wear old shoes, you’ll never have new ones.
- If you’re not willing to practice the piano, you’ll never give a concert.
- If you’re not willing to save money, you’ll never have peace of mind.
- If you’re not willing to travel, you’ll never go places.
- If you’re not willing to invest, you’ll never be rich.
- If you’re not willing to work, you’ll never make money the way you want to.
If you’re not willing to be uncomfortable, you’ll never have the life you want.
It's absolutely true that in order get huge success and fame, one has to be ready to take a huge efforts in unconditional way. Average efforts will not give us more than average results and ultimately average life. I remember here Newton's third law of motion, "To every action there is always equal and opposite reaction". Nice blog, Keep it up to provide such a stuff for our mind and soul.