Alone is a word which is not associated with any good feelings .we don't even like the sound of it.Although i am talking about aloneness not loneliness.there is a difference.L onleliness is a lack, a feeling that something is missing, a depression, a need, an incompleteness, an absence. Aloneness is presence, fullness, aliveness, joy of being, overflowing Self love. You are complete. Nobody is needed, you are enough. because our culture places such a high value on sociability it is awkward to understand how much at certain points we just need to be alone .we take other people very seriously perhaps more seriously than those in the uncomplicated ranks of the endlessly gregarious. we listen closely to stories we give ourselves to others. we respond with emotion and empathy but as a result we cannot keep swimming in company a certain point we've had enough of conversations that take us away from our own thought pro...